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Docs-as-Code methodology and advantages

· 4 min read
Vadym Sachenko
Author, creator, and owner of TechWriteIt

In this article, I want to explain what Docs-as-Code is and its importance and compare it to a typical documentation process.

Defining Docs-as-Code

Docs-as-Code is a philosophy and methodology that integrates documentation seamlessly into the software development workflow. Instead of treating documentation as a standalone task, it treats documentation as code—a core component of the project that evolves alongside the codebase. In essence, Docs-as-Code promotes the idea that documentation should be versioned, reviewed, and updated in the same way as source code.

Traditional documentation process

To get a better understanding of the docs-as-code approach and its advantages, let's consider the traditional documentation process. Documentation has often been a disjointed and isolated task that occurs at the tail end of a project. It usually involves the following:

Late inclusion: Documentation is typically considered a separate and often secondary task. It's often addressed toward the end of the project when time constraints may lead to rushed and incomplete content.

Static nature: Traditional documentation is often static, with limited interactivity and responsiveness to changes in the project. It may not adapt well to dynamic and agile project environments.

Silos: Collaboration between developers, technical writers, and other stakeholders can be fragmented. This can result in misunderstandings, miscommunication, and errors in the documentation.

Manual updates: Updating documentation is a manual and sometimes cumbersome process. It may not be well-integrated with code changes, leading to delays in keeping documentation current.

Versioning challenges: Traditional documentation may not be closely linked to the code's version control system, making it difficult to track changes and maintain a history of documentation updates.

Quality bariation: The quality of documentation can vary widely in a traditional approach. It often depends on individual effort and priority, leading to inconsistent documentation quality across projects.

Versioning challenges: Keeping documentation in sync with the evolving codebase can be challenging, leading to outdated and inaccurate information.

Why embrace Docs-as-Code?

Now, that you know a bit more about the pitfalls of a traditional documentation process, let's look into Docs-as-Code advantages:

Improved collaboration: One of the primary benefits of Docs-as-Code is improved collaboration. By integrating documentation into the development workflow, it encourages real-time communication between developers, technical writers, product owners, and other stakeholders. This collaboration fosters a shared understanding of project requirements and functionalities, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing the overall quality of the documentation.

DDLC automation: Docs-as-Code aligns with modern software development methodologies like DevOps and Agile. It allows for the automation of documentation generation, ensuring that documentation always reflects the latest changes in the codebase. This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of human errors in the documentation.

Version control: In the Docs-as-Code approach, documentation lives in the same version control system as the code. This means you can track changes, revert to previous versions, and maintain a comprehensive history of your documentation. It ensures that documentation remains consistent with the project's current state, making it an invaluable resource for troubleshooting and auditing.

Enhanced quality: When documentation becomes an integral part of the development process, it naturally receives more attention and scrutiny. Developers, product owners, and technical writers collaborate closely to ensure that documentation is accurate, concise, and up-to-date. This leads to documentation that is not just a necessary evil but a valuable asset that adds to the project's overall quality.

Streamlined updates: In traditional documentation processes, updating documents can be a cumbersome task. Docs-as-Code simplifies this by making documentation an integral part of code changes. This ensures that updates are prompt, and changes are well-documented, reducing the chances of information becoming obsolete.

Compared to the traditional documentation process, Docs-as-Code allows you to bridge the gap between different teams on a project, fostering collaboration and agility while enhancing the quality of documentation. For technical writers, business analysts, project managers, product owners, and developers alike, embracing Docs-as-Code is more than a trend—it's a strategic shift that promises improved project outcomes, streamlined workflows, and documentation that is not just a byproduct but an integral part of the development process.